carls jr is nutso
Yeah those Carls Jr commercials really suck. i commend you on this, good job duderino.
carls jr is nutso
Yeah those Carls Jr commercials really suck. i commend you on this, good job duderino.
you got it man
That was seriously one of the best things I have seen on this sight. hands down. It was bizzare and I had no idea what was going on but it was really incredible. Awesome work man. And don't listen to all that other bull people are always complaining about. They don't know shit.
Hey good work guys. And thanks for throwing my little one in there as a secret. Much appreciated. Very nice job with the menu too, well done.
i dont really get what you were going for but it was a nice attempt i guess
sick idea. some of those are pretty awesome. but overall its a really cool concept you got going.
fun stuff
Jaes and Master Samus were really the only ones that i was really into. The rest were alright but just mediocre stickman things. Overall though it was a nice collection of some fun stuff. Good job.
it was pretty cool man, i don't know why some of those guys hated it so much. i thought that part with that ghost thingy saying whoop woop about a million times was pretty funny, keep it up man.
awesome job man, i love seeing some real animation on here. don't let those fools complain its not flash because its better than most of the flash thats on here. i'd love to see it completed. keep it up
Joined on 10/13/04